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With tax, it’s often the second-best answer that proves to be the right fit. Too often, the very best tax answer may not be the best answer for your business – especially if it doesn’t take a holistic view of your strategy and operations, or if it is going to be disruptive.  Baker Tilly advisers know you and your business. We can help you with:


Inter-corporate structuring and tax planning

Addresses the interrelationships of related companies and designs an efficient structure that can minimize the impact of taxation. We also cover the applicability of tax incentives to domestic companies or groups of companies.

Cross-border structuring 

Designs corporate structures of multinational companies, involving forms of business entity and available incentives, all geared towards minimizing, or eliminating, tax exposures. This service considers the effect of tax treaties on a particular transaction, weaving them into a seamless structure that is commercially viable and administratively feasible.

Estate planning 

Organizes designs and set up estate plans intended to meet the specific needs of the clients’ estates. The estate planning services include drafting of wills and trusts, codicils, and powers of attorney as well as providing assistance in probate administration to ensure efficient asset distribution by the estate. This covers also advisory in the appointment of executors or administrators, issuance of letters testamentary or letters of administration, will allowances, and contests.

Tax opinion and advisory 

Rendering of opinion on unclear tax issues and research of pertinent tax laws and regulations applicable to a client’s particular situation. This service likewise covers advisory on expatriate taxation.

Tax audit 

Seeks to pinpoint particular issues that would most probably arise in the event of an actual Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) examination of the client’s books and financial statements. The aim of the tax audit is to forewarn the client on red flag issues and advise them on preventive steps that can eliminate substantial deficiency tax assessments. A tax audit is issue-based and would most probably result in policy changes on the part of the client, rather than merely correcting a tax detail (e.g., tax rate, timeliness of withholding) which is more properly the subject of a tax compliance review.

Tax due diligence 

Provides foresight on probable tax exposures and investment risks. This service includes determining the level of compliance of a company under existing Philippine tax laws.

Tax compliance review 

Dwells on the degree of conformity to tax rules and regulations and their administrative provisions. Measures actual tax exposures and recommends ways by which these can be avoided. A tax compliance review quantifies the exact amount of exposure, dealing as it does, with the precise tax treatment of a client’s transaction.

Consultancy and retainer services 

Retainer services addressing day-to-day tax issues arising in the normal course of business of a client. The service is provided through emails and direct consultations, without need of lengthy written opinions. Advice is dispensed as expeditiously as possible.

Tax training & seminars 

We can organize teach-ins on tax issues of particular application to the company’s business, and on general tax matters as well. This is particularly useful in the areas of employee compensation and withholding taxes, as well as VAT incidence to the client’s business.

Contesting of assessments 

Assistance in all stages of an assessment, from BIR investigation stage to issuance of formal assessment notice. This includes formulation of defenses against the assessment, gathering of documentary support, and acting as client’s counsel before the appropriate BIR office. On the whole, this service aims to protect and safeguard clients’ substantive and procedural rights in the course of an assessment.

Claim for refunds or issuance of tax credit certificates 

Assistance in Refund/TCC application for unutilized input VAT and excess creditable withholding tax and duty drawback applications. This service includes applications with the Bureau of Customs on duties paid on importations which are subsequently re-exported.

Requests for rulings 

Assistance in requests for ruling/clarification with the BIR on difficult/doubtful questions of law.

Tax administration compliance 

Covers various BIR-required registrations such as registration of books of accounts; securing TIN and registration as withholding agent; securing Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR) on transfers of properties or shares of stock; application for computerized accounting system; application for change of accounting period/method; other mandatory registrations.

Transfer pricing and global tax services 

We provide clients with analysis and assessment on their current inter-company pricing practices in order to conform to the Philippine transfer pricing rules. This service includes advisory on strategies that clients may or should take to avoid the risk of double taxation by taking advantage of the benefits provided for in tax treaties. Our firm likewise assist clients in applying for tax treaty relief with the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

Advisory on labor laws 

We offer legal advice on the application and implementation of the Philippine Labor Code. Similarly, we guide our clients on how to lawfully handle labor issues and concerns in their current business setup.

Your contact
Photo of Atty. Maricris E. Oronea
Atty. Maricris E. Oronea
Tax Head/Principal
Photo of Atty. Anselma P. Maliwat
Atty. Anselma P. Maliwat